By Syed Mansoor Ahmed: 

English as a language dominates almost the whole career of a student in  Pakistan. Learning English appears to be the first step towards getting knowledge of science to philosophy and law and mathematics etc.

Gone are the days, when students would start learning ABC in class 6th in government-run schools. Now, English has become a  compulsory subject from first-class to enable the students of government-run schools and private schools to compete on the national and international levels.

However, reading, writing, and speaking in English is not an easy job as the students are supposed to spend so many sleepless nights to learn the language. This is irony of fate that our mother languages, which are actually our national languages have not been promoted to make it a requirement  of the students. Neither science nor philosophy are available in our local languages. Thus, English fulfills all requirements of the students.

In Pakistan, the local students are facing hurdles during their education careers in terms of English. It is not the mother tongue of the students. But there are many glowing students and personalities having fluency in it. On the other hand, English has always been assumed as a nightmare for those who are interesting in Central and Provincial services exams. They all spend their best energy for the learning of English.

However, the majority do not qualify for the written exams. The number of aspirants failed in English subjects. According to the report of the Federal Public Service Commission that “many students have very dull and err full expression during attempted of the English papers”. They are far away from the essence of standard English.

The underlying reason for a huge number of failures is much known. The academic system of Pakistan is still a combination of Urdu and English. The English language considers as a punishment for the students. The learners have remained the imprisonment of this English language. The students usually avoiding the main requirements of the writing, speaking, and listening. They typically mastering a few rules of the grammar section. They never try to make the words their own obedient. The main focus is always into remembered huge words, big spellings, flowering and bombastic style of expression which is not durable for impending career.

Although, the mentors of the English language always recommend simple English. According to the well-known Pakistani English author, Sayyid Saadat Ali Shah has stated that “brevity is the soul of wit”. Simple words, small spellings, and well arrangement of words are the requisites of well-writer. Additionally, another profound English teacher Sir Agha Mohsin quoted that “start from simple learning then move towards complexity”.

The few basics are very important in English writing. Knowledge about the meaning and correct usage of words is essential. These words lead to the formation of sentences then paragraphs. The combination of expressive words and decent paragraphs is the key of splendid writing skills.

The secret of clear writing is clear thinking. The common student is trying to memorize someone else words. It is not an easy task to store the flood of vocabulary. Nevertheless, the intension of every reading must learn the art of arranging words. It is only possible when the learner constantly observes the way of expression of any good writer. It is important how the writer is expressing their ideas in simple words. In a nutshell, English is the tool of expression that aims to make people understand rather than to create confusion.

The writer is a student at the University of Management and Technology in Lahore and Public Policy Analyst based in Quetta. You can also access him:


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Quetta Voice is an English Daily covering all unfolding political, economic and social issues relating to Balochistan, Pakistan's largest province in terms of area. QV's main focus is on stories related to education, promotion of quality education and publishing reports about out of school children in the province. QV has also a vigilant eye on health, climate change and other key sectors.