Fake domiciles in Balochistan
Editorial :
The issue of fake domiciles is once again in the limelight across Balochistan for the last few months. Fake domiciles’ issue is sensitive, since jobs, seats in educational institutions, and other official benefits are at stake.
A total of 2,745 domicile certificates could not be verified by commissioners of four divisions in the province. The commissioners in their reports to the Balochistan High Court (BHC) revealed this the other day.
BHC orders commissioners to submit reports
Repeated complaints against fake domicile certificates prompted the BHC to order the divisional commissioners to file a comprehensive report in this regard. As per the report, the deputy commissioners conducted scrutiny of a total of 5, 534 domicile certificates on the directives of the BHC bench.
In the Sibi division, the deputy commissioners conducted verification of 1,185 domicile certifications. Out of 1,185, only 391 domiciles found authentic. However, 737 domicile certificates can not be verified, the report said.
In the Naseerabad division, the DCs conducted scrutiny of 2045 domicile certificates. 892 certificates verified and 2 declared fake. However, 1151 domicile holders failed to appear before the committee despite repeated notices, the report mentioned.
Trend of getting jobs through fake domiciles rising in BalochistanĀ
It is a matter of serious concern that the trend of having fake domicile to get government jobs and admissions in educational institutions is rising in Balochistan. The people using fake domiciles have been violating the law and depriving the indigenous students/ people of the province of their right.
Governor Balochistan, Justice (R) Amanullah Khan Yaseenzai warned that the people recruited through fake domiciles would be terminated from their jobs. Whereas, Chief Minister Jam Kamal has ordered a thorough investigation into the fake domicile issue.
Thousands got jobs through fake domiciles: TareenĀ
However, senior lawyer, Sajid Tareen who has been pursuing the case claims that thousands of people have got jobs on the Balochistan quota through fake domiciles. He asserted that some deputy commissioners were deliberately adopting delaying tactics in terms of submitting reports to the BHC bench.
Balochistan’s job quota is almost 6 percent in the federal departments. However, the province has a meager share in the federal jobs. What to speak about the federal secretaries or chairmen of autonomous bodies.
The province needs fair treatment by the ruling coaltion led by the Pakistan Tehrik e Insaf (PTI). The ruling party has made repeated claims about the restoration of Balochistan’s constitutional job quota. But, words are yet to be matched by practical action.
Fake domiciles in Balochistan