Passing out parade of Baloch recruits held in Quetta
An impressive Passing Out Parade of Baloch recruits held at the Baloch Training Wing, Quetta Cantt on Monday. A large number of civil and military officers and family members of the passed-out recruits attended the ceremony.
Recruits displayed a high level of coordination and skills
Recruits displayed a high level of coordination and skills during the drill, applauded by the audience. Individual prizes were given to the recruits who have out-shined others during the course of training. Recruit Shahbaz Ali was given an honorary shield for being best in Physical Training while Recruit Ghulam Ali was adjudged best recruit in Assault Course, Recruit Abid Hussain was declared best fired, Recruit Ammanullah stood best in Drill, Recruit Naimatullah named Best recruit in Map Reading whereas Recruit Haji Khan was declared Best Recruit of the course and was awarded, Commandant Cane.
176 recruits passed-out
It is worth mentioning that a total of 176 recruits passed out while a total of 8559 recruits have been passed out so far who are serving in different field formations of the Pakistan Army. ISPR