Jam Kamal calls on PPP leader Asif Ali Zardari
Former Chief Minister Balochistan, Jam Kamal Khan meeting PPP leader Asif Ali Zardari: Photo taken from social media

From Our Correspondent :


Former Chief Minister Balochistan, Jam Kamal Khan is expected to join the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP). The former CM called on Asif Ali Zardari, the leader of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP). President of the PPP Balochistan, Changaiz Jamali was also present on the occasion.

Jam Kamal discussed the possible joining of the PPP with Asif Ali Zardari, a PPP source told Daily Quetta Voice. He however said Jam Kamal is yet to make a final decision in this regard.

This meeting has come after scores of electables from Balochistan joined the PPP. Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Quddus Bizenjo had also held a meeting with Asif Ali Zardari few days back. Provincial ministers Haji Akbar Askani and Lala Rasheed Dashti were also present on the occasion.

Mr. Bizenjo has also developed a political understanding with the PPP. Bizenjo and Chairman Senate Sadiq Sanjrani are also playing their cards to win the race during the fast approaching general elections in 2023.

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Quetta Voice is an English Daily covering all unfolding political, economic and social issues relating to Balochistan, Pakistan's largest province in terms of area. QV's main focus is on stories related to education, promotion of quality education and publishing reports about out of school children in the province. QV has also a vigilant eye on health, climate change and other key sectors.