Maheen Baloch at a cultural festival: Photo provided by the author

Chandni Kakar:


“Social media is the best platform to introduce ancient Balochi handicrafts globally”, Maheen Aslam Baloch, a student of Advanced Diploma of Arts at Quetta’s Girls Degree College said. Maheen has been using various social media networks to promote and introduce Balochi handcrafts.

Balochi handicrafts are famous on national and international levels. Traditional dress lovers never think about the prices rather they just find and buy Balochi handicrafts.

No more financial dependency: Maheen Says

Unlike the majority of the students, Maheen has no financial dependency on her family and parents in terms of paying for her educational expenses. She launched this online business to meet her growing expenditures and promote the ancient Baloch dress worldwide.

“I receive calls from various parts of the globe for this Balochi ancient dress”, the 21-year-old girl said. Maheen also participates in various festivals organized in Quetta and other parts of Balochistan for the promotion of arts.

Maheen Baloch belongs to Noshki district of Balochistan

She belongs to Noshki, the Balochistan province’s Western district towards Iran and Afghanistan. In a strictly-veiled society, Maheen stepped forward and established her own online business.

“We should have no educational and financial dependencies”, Maheen Baloch said. She said every educated girl has the capacity to launch her own online business to earn money. “This is only about your intention and commitment”, she mentioned.

Regarding her difficulties, she said, “Initially, the problem that I confronted was from my family. As I belong to a typical Baloch family where business is done by women is not considered appreciable. Baloch women are new to it so this mindset has been a drawback in my journey.

Secondly, approaching clients was a hectic job as the majority of the people don’t consider buying expensive traditional attire from an online seller, she narrated.

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Quetta Voice is an English Daily covering all unfolding political, economic and social issues relating to Balochistan, Pakistan's largest province in terms of area. QV's main focus is on stories related to education, promotion of quality education and publishing reports about out of school children in the province. QV has also a vigilant eye on health, climate change and other key sectors.