Out of School Children in Balochistan
Editorial :Â
The figure is shocking: 40% of children do not go to school in Balochistan. This means 40% of the children will grow up without getting an education in the province. Balochistan has already been lagging behind other provinces in terms of key social indicators. Education is one of them. Until the provincial government, political parties, civil society, media, and non-governmental organizations join their hands, this alarming figure will remain true.
The number of out of school children in the province is 11,58, 291, statistics of Balochistan education department obtained by this daily reveals. The data confirms 60% of children’s’ enrollment in schools.
Although, the provincial government allocated substantial funds for the development of education during the financial year 2020-21. Nonetheless, government-run schools paint a bleak picture across the province.
The education department’s data reveals that 100,3,661students are currently studying in government-run primary, middle and high schools of Balochistan. “We are trying to address the issue of shortage of teachers”, Sher Khan Bazai, the Balochistan secretary of education said.
The department has recruited over 9,000 teachers shortlisted by a testing service CTSP to improve the quality of education and overcome the issue of the shortage of teachers in the province.
531, 371 students have been studying in private schools
The data further mentioned that 531, 371 students have been studying in private schools across the province. Similarly, the number of students studying in Madaris (religious schools) is 103,305.
“We have recruited teachers on the basis of merit” Sardar Yar Muhammad Rind, the Balochistan education minister said. He said the present government has decided to improve the quality of education and bring out of school children to schools across the province.
The education department has repeatedly revealed that the number of ghosts and non-functional schools across Balochistan is over 3,200. The number of schools across Balochistan is 14,979 as per the data of the department.
The Balochistan government has declared education as compulsory and free for children. The government has also declared the implementation of Article 25-A of the constitution to ensure the provision of education to children of the province.
For the provincial government, action must match their words when it comes to the implementation of their announcements. The education budget needs to be increased and newly recruited teachers should be preferably posted in non-functional schools to make them functional.
A comprehensive strategy should be evolved to enroll all out of school children in schools to make them better citizens. Only then, they can serve the country and nation.
Out of School Children in Balochistan