If there is any friend of Pakistan, it is Afghan Taliban: Maulana
Sardar Muhammad Khondai :
Chief of Jamiat ul Ulema e Islam (F), Maulana Fazal ur Rehman has said that if there is any friend of Pakistan, it is the Afghan Taliban. Addressing a mammoth public meeting in Chaman, Pakistan’s bordering city with Afghanistan on Tuesday, the Maulana said that the Afghan Taliban were the real friends of Pakistan.
Maulana addressed the gathering at Jamia Islamia Allama Abdul Ghani Town in Chaman.
“Based on my experiences, I say, they are friends of Pakistan”, the JUI chief reiterated. Maulana who is also the Chief of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) lashed out at the United States. He asserted that the US was against cordial brotherly relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The JUI chief stated that under a pre-planned conspiracy, the United Kingdom also left some issues unresolved in Asia and the Middle East to make sure differences among the neighboring States. “Border issues can be resolved through dialogue”, he said, adding that it was not an era of wars.
Maulana Fazal ur Rehman addressing a public meeting in Chaman… For details click the link 👇 https://t.co/un4sbH9uQZ pic.twitter.com/uXtlxCMB8f
— Quetta Voice (@VoiceQuetta) February 1, 2022
JUI F chief lashes out at the present government
The JUI F chief lashed out at the present government and accused it of dealing with the International Monitory Fund (IMF) at the cost of the common man. “State Bank of Pakistan has been made subservient to the IMF”, the Maulana claimed.
Maulana Fazal ur Rehman said that the current economy of the country was in the hands of the IMF and that rulers were least bothered about the economic condition of the country. “Prices of commodities skyrocketed because of flawed policies of the government”, he said.
A large number of religious party’s supporters turn out
A large number of religious party’s supporters turned out at the bordering city to listen to the speech of their leader. Other party leaders also addressed the gathering and strongly criticized the provincial and federal governments. Amid threats to Maulana Fazal ur Rehman by the banned Islamic State (IS), the administration had taken strict security measures to make sure peace on the eve of the public meeting.