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Financial Literacy Week was organized by the Bank of Punjab in the Pishin district of Balochistan to provide awareness about the economy among the people. The organizers say that the awareness campaign will not only raise financial awareness among the people but also a large number of women will be able to benefit.

Malik Naeem Kasi, Regional Operations Manager of Bank of Punjab Balochistan while addressing the participants of the Financial Literacy Week program organized by BOP in Pishin said, the purpose of the event is to provide awareness to the public about the economy.

The event will raise public awareness of access to financial information. Financial Literacy Week is celebrated around the world. Literacy Week is an important step towards the promotion of financial literacy.

Under the auspices of the State Bank of Pakistan, physical campuses have been established at various locations in 60 districts of the country. Mr. Kasi said that women will also benefit from the awareness campaign. At present, 45% of women do not have bank accounts in the country, he added.

Through the financial awareness program of the Bank of Punjab, the public will have an opportunity to adopt the method of safe use of money deposited in financial institutions.

During the program, the organizers of the Bank of Punjab Balochistan also distributed gifts among the participants of the program.

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Quetta Voice is an English Daily covering all unfolding political, economic and social issues relating to Balochistan, Pakistan's largest province in terms of area. QV's main focus is on stories related to education, promotion of quality education and publishing reports about out of school children in the province. QV has also a vigilant eye on health, climate change and other key sectors.